Spears Manufacturing Modified Series Update: Track Width rule and Weight option for Colorado National Speedway event.
The race will compete under the rules and procedures of the Spears Manufacturing Modified Series, with the following option:
Regarding Track Width and Weight, teams may choose to run the Colorado National Speedway track width rule (see below), but will be required to run at the CNS Modified weight of 2,575 pounds if they choose to run the CNS Track Width.
Colorado National Speedway Modified Track Width Rule:
81 inches maximum, measured from the outer most part of the tire at spindle height, zero tow in, front and rear as presented for inspection –No tolerance. Must fit CNS gauges.
Weight Rule 2,575 pounds
SRL Modified Track Width Rule:
Maximum track width (front or rear) shall not exceed 65” inches measured with the Series referee (67” inches center tread to center tread).
SRL Modified Weight Rule is 2,500 pounds