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Front Range Landfill Criss Cross Craziness Delivers Just That At CNS

August 10, 2024 ~ Dacono, CO

Chaos was literally the name of the game at Colorado National Speedway on August 10th, 2024, as the Pro Trucks, Figure 8s, Legends, Bandoleros, and Trains hit the asphalt oval with a vengeance, ready to light up the night. There was quite a bit of action and drama on Saturday night, so check out what went down in all five divisions to get caught up.

Colorado National Speedway Sunset

Matco Tools Pro Trucks

Fast Dash – 10 Laps

The No. 85 of Jeff Walbaum lunged into the lead from the front row, pacing the No. 16 of Travis Roe, who quickly pulled even and kept neck and neck for a lap before taking the lead. Walbaum continued to slip back and was overtaken by the No. 9 of Curtis Heldenbrand. The pack settled into neat single file formation for a few laps, lined up behind Roe as he continued to show the way. Heldenbrand eventually cut the distance, reeling in Roe as the white flag flew. Heldenbrand pulled within striking distance in the corners, but Roe dropped the hammer and maintained the lead right up to the checkered flag.

Dash – 10 Laps

Brian Weinmaster’s No. 28 truck powered to the point as soon as the green waved, but the No. 6 of Kip Sandell leaned on his quarter panel, waiting for a chance to fire back. A few laps in, Sandell wheeled low and took the lead. Off the pace, Weinmaster slipped back to third behind the No. 7 of Adam Deines. Evenly matched, Weinmaster and Deines did battle for the runner-up position for the last half of the race. Deines deflected charges from Weinmaster as they rounded the track, but Weinmaster didn’t let up, and the two trucks kept each other honest as they caught the tail end of the field. Finally, Deines ditched Weinmaster and lit after the Sandell, but ultimately fell short at the line. Sandell captured the win.

Feature – 30 Laps

The No. 50 of Tyler Wiggans took the lead in a hurry on the high side, ditching the field and gapping them without breaking a sweat to lead the first lap. The No. 86 of Timothy Coate and Walbaum contended side-by-side for P2, until the No. 33 of Tyler Davis dove to the inside to take it three-wide. Davis deftly threw his truck into second place, pulling Heldenbrand through the gap with him. Heldenbrand battled back, leaning on Davis, but Davis wasn’t about to let it go that easy. As they battled, Wiggans continued to lead, and Davis precariously held onto second, followed by Heldenbrand in third and Roe in fourth.

Further back, a side-by-side battle for the seventh position shook out between Deines and the No. 88 of Paul Himler as the two trucks paced each other lap after lap until Himler finally stretched his advantage and took Deines’ line away. Up front, halfway through, Davis and Heldenbrand had caught Wiggans, putting the No. 50 truck’s lead in jeopardy.

Heldenbrand made light contact with Davis’s bumper as he pulled even with him, both pressuring Wiggans for the lead. Their battle allowed the fourth-place Roe to catch up, making it a four-truck battle for the top spot. In the middle of a heated battle, contact between Roe and Davis sent Davis’s No. 33 around in a cloud of white tire smoke in Turn 2. After a brief caution, Heldenbrand and Wiggans restarted on the front row. With clear track ahead, Heldenbrand got to the point in short order as Wiggans slipped back, falling in behind Roe for third. Throwing sparks as he shot through Turn 3, it was Heldenbrand’s turn to gap the field. For fifth, Walbaum and Coate continued picking at each other, neither willing to cede the position. Coate finally got ahead, but Walbaum answered with a perfect crossover move, taking back the position. Up front, Heldenbrand continued to lead without pressure and streaked under the checkers to take the win uncontested. Coate barely took back fifth from Walbaum in a drag race to the line. The No. 20 of Tanner Faatz and the No. 21 of Chris Nelson, meanwhile, had a dustup and made contact heading to the checkers, spinning onto the front stretch after the race was over.


Quick Time: No. 9, Curtis Heldenbrand, 17.123

Fast Dash: No. 16, Travis Roe

Dash: No. 6, Kip Sandell

Feature: No. 9, Curtis Heldenbrand


AC Transmissions Legends

Fast Dash – 10 Laps

With the green flag ready to drop, the No. 1 of Ryan Land and the No. 4W of Stuart Wilkerson led the pack of Legends to the start of the race. Land immediately dove low, intending to run away with the lead, but enter the No. 33 of Dillyn Kellogg, who shot past all of them to claim the lead. That is, until the No. 12 of Bryanna Bruce claimed the spot for herself. She cut off a charge from the No. 6 of Scotty Scott, who snaked in behind her, filling her rearview until he found the lower line and sped into the lead. Not to be outdone, the No. 15 of Danny Medina stalked through the field, riding right up on Scott’s bumper and making the pass for the lead. Then, the No. 88F of Cade Fox and the No. 03 of Darrell Stewart made contact in Turn 2, sending Stewart for a spin and setting the stage for a green-white-checkered finish. This put Scott and Medina alongside one another for the restart. Scott got the advantage and took the lead while the No. 68 of Wyatt Dent rode right up on Medina for the runner-up position. Scott flashed across the line first as Dent edged ahead of Medina just in the nick of time to claim second place.

Dash – 10 Laps

The No. 19 of Dominic Moss and the No. 9 of Terry McBride commanded the front row, leading the snarling pack of Legends across the stripe under the green. McBride slashed into the lead, while the No. 27 of Brian Harlow, on a mission, appeared in third after starting outside the top five. He rode that momentum straight to the lead – at least, until he was black flagged for a loose bumper. This turned the lead over to the No. 35 of Andrew Lee. Lee continued to lead the No. 38 of Garrett Wilson as they strung out, and the real battle was back in third as the No. 45 of Cole Tuttle and the No. 73 of Mike Markison worked on each other for the position. Tuttle finally got the advantage and took third at the line, following winner Lee and second-place Wilson across the line.

Feature – 25 Laps

A massive field of 29 Legends followed Land and the No. 21X of Corey Pearson across the line under the green flag. Land found himself trapped in the middle as Kellogg and Pearson split him on either side, dropping like a rock through the field as Pearson took over the lead. The No. 14 of Jake Nutall settled into P2 while the field jostled behind him. Land’s streak of bad luck continued as he got the worst of a chain reaction that stacked up the field and tore control out of his hands as he wrecked. The field slowed for caution so Land’s disabled race car could be removed from the racing surface.

Things stayed chaotic from there. Pearson, Nutall, and Stewart briefly went three wide at the drop of the green flag, filtering Stewart into first. Back in third, the No. 78C of Colton Crocker rode up on the rear bumper of Wilkerson and the two cars touched at speed, turning Wilkerson, who needed to be hauled off the racing surface and triggered another caution. The field reset and Stewart and Nutall started alongside each other. Stewart reclaimed the position and Nutall slipped to P2, but not for long, as Medina charged into second place and began working on Stewart’s lead. After a brief but brutal battle, Medina passed Stewart and took over the top spot, leaving Stewart to fend off Dent, who was determined to slot into second place. Single file, the field settled out into all four corners of the track.

Then, several cars made contact in Turn 2. A yellow waved, neutralizing the field yet again. This gave Stewart another chance to get around Medina on the front row. With some help from Dent, Medina took command of the race once more. Stewart faded to third behind Dent. A battle for P4 shaped up as Crocker shouldered his way past Stewart, setting sights on the leaders with five laps left to go. Slower traffic proved to be no match for Medina as he picked them off one by one, holding onto his lead as he put a safe distance between Dent and Crocker. Stewart, by this point, had faded to fourth. Medina put on a clinic and flew under the flag stand for his fourth straight win in as many races.

Quick Time: No. 78C, Colton Crocker, 19.349

Fast Dash: No. 6, Scotty Scott

Dash: No. 35, Andrew Lee

Feature: No. 15, Danny Medina


Exhaust Pros Northglenn Figure 8s

Fast Dash – 8 Laps

The green flew over the No. 52 of Jared Wall and the No. 64 of Michael Kephart on the front row, but Michael Wolfe Jr. put his No. 3 in the mix, taking them three-wide before the battle sorted out in Wolfe’s favor. Wolfe quickly took over the lead from there, but not without pressure from Jared Wall, who wasn’t so keen on letting him go. Eventually, Wolfe took off, putting distance on Jared Wall. Just three laps in, the No. 15 of Jereme Wall, uncharacteristically slow, dashed through The X; narrowly avoiding traffic as the pack powered past him heading the opposite direction, led by Wolfe. Meanwhile, Kephart began to work on breaking down Jared Wall’s grip on P2. Jared Wall reclaimed the spot and demoted Kephart, while the No. 71 of Isaac Martinez jockeyed for position behind him. Wolfe kept the lead all the way across the line while Kephart, Jared Wall, and Martinez went three wide one last time heading to the checkers; finishing in that order behind Wolfe.

Dash – 7 Laps

The No. 41G of Topher Galvin and the No. 8 of Cassidy Creekmore started on the front row for the first F8 dash, but almost after they’d taken the green, the No. 6C of Cody Palmore and Creekmore washed up into the wall, drawing a caution. Creekmore had to be towed off while Palmore pulled off due to excessive damage on the front end but was able to return before the green flag. The No. 74, driven by Sam Faus, took the lead, but Palmore spun out and retired from the race shortly thereafter. A caution waved as Creekmore rejoined the field, following Faus back to the green. The No. 20 of Isaiah Proctor began to pressure Faus up front, searching for an opening as they dove through The X, but Faus slammed the door on him and continued to lead. Proctor made a pass heading to the white flag and took over the lead, but Faus passed him back. Then, as Proctor powered back into the lead, Faus spun out heading to the checkered flag, opening the door for Proctor to win.

Feature – 20 Laps

Jereme Wall quickly took the lead after the race started. The pack went two-wide for fourth on the second lap as Jared Wall and Wolfe had a tough conversation for the position. Wolfe came out on top and quickly picked off the No. 38 of Javon Barnard, then Proctor as the pack began to get strung out. Then, Galvin and Creekmore made contact heading back toward the crossroads, triggering a caution. Jereme Wall took off with the lead again but not without pressure from Wolfe; Wolfe made his presence known and made it look easy as he dive-bombed past Jereme Wall and set the pace. Then, the No. 67 of Kylan Swensen began to smoke toward the back of the pack and was shown the black flag.

Out front, Wolfe set the pace, leading the string of cars around the track. Faus spun out right in front of the leaders, but quick thinking from Wolfe kept the nose of his race car out of trouble. Faus reined his car back in and played it safe the next time through as Wolfe got bigger and bigger in his rearview, well on his way to putting him a lap down. Wolfe powered through the crossroads, narrowly missing Galvin. Meanwhile, Kephart and Jereme Wall traded paint for P2, unable to shake each other. Kephart eventually got the advantage and put Jereme Wall in his rearview. Jereme Wall fell back to battle with Martinez for P4. Slower traffic made for some thrills in The X as Wolfe stood on the gas pedal; Creekmore dodged Jereme Wall and Barnard, who were racing two wide in The X. The action allowed Kephart to cut Wolfe’s lead nearly in half with five laps left on the board. His efforts didn’t pay off, however. Wolfe shot across the line to win while Martinez and Kephart slammed doors behind him, spinning out in the center of the X and opening the door for Barnard to snag second place at the line.

Quick Time: No. 3, Michael Wolfe Jr., 27.373 seconds

Fast Dash: No. 3, Michael Wolfe Jr.

Dash: No. 20, Isaiah Proctor

Feature: No. 3, Michael Wolfe Jr.


Puzzle Effect Denver Bandoleros

Bandits Dash

Jaxon Muhler, driving the No. 95J, started out front, leading the No. 96 of James Snyder into the first turn of the short track. The No. 14 of Austin Steinke dove low and took second place, followed by Snyder as they got stacked up deeper in the field. The leaders got strung out and carried on without incident until Muhler then spun out in the infield, leaving Steinke to inherit the lead. Despite being caught up in slower traffic, Steinke continued to lead and took the first Dash of the evening.

Bandits Feature

Once again, Muhler took the lead right out of the gate, followed by Steinke as they settled in for the long run. Things got a little squirrely toward the back of the field, but the Bandos kept it together without incident. Muhler continued to show the way, dodging through a chaotic bunch of cars scattering through the infield. Once he cleared them, he set sail and continued on his way. He had to push wide into Turn 2 on the final lap, which cost him the lead in the process as Steinke surged past him, using a lapped car as a pick to keep the position as he headed under the checkers for the second time that night.

BD Bandit Dash: No. 14, Austin Steinke

BD Bandit Feature: No. 14, Austin Steinke


Outlaws Dash

The No. 60 of Liam Hammond and the No. 89 of Justin Barnard showed the way to green in double file formation. The No. 12 of Aspyn Lange swung wide as Hammond split through the middle and galloped into the lead. Three wide behind them, Lange went wide in front of the No. 23 of Peyton Opperman and Barnard for P3. Then Opperman spun out alongside point leader Lange; Lange elected to retire from the Dash. Opperman was able to continue as the caution flew. The race restarted with Barnard and Hammond back on the front row as the No. 02 of Dutch Vanderwal had to pull off with a flat tire. Hammond took the lead but was followed by the No. 5 of Reagan Fruge. Fruge drifted high, falling back, as Hammond continued to lead the race, which had gone single file. Then, the No. 6 of Ryker Gastineau spun in front of the leaders, but stayed clear of the racing surface and gathered it back up. Hammond crossed the line first, followed by the No. 61 of Lillian Tuttle.

Outlaws Feature

Lange shot out front, holding down the front of the field despite a threat from Hammond. Gastineau spun out and backed into the infield jumps, but was thankfully able to continue on to the roar of the crowd. Up front, Lange continued to outrun Hammond and Opperman, even as Gastineau spun in front of them. In dodging him, they got bunched up, allowing Hammond to get in striking distance of the lead. The crowd cheered on Gastineau as he spun out yet again, much to the crowd’s dismay. Lange rallied back and tried to get past Hammond, but it would be Hammond across the line first once again.

BD Outlaw Dash: No. 60, Liam Hammond

BD Outlaw Feature: No. 60, Liam Hammond


Take 5 Oil Change Trains

The No. 91 J&H Livestock Friday Night Special shot into the lead – a precarious lead, as the No. 41G J&H Livestock Funny Farm powered on the outside. They traded positions back and forth a few times before Friday Night Special solidified their lead, stalked by the No. 80HD SNAFU in third. SNAFU pulled even with Funny Farm, but Funny Farm wasn’t going to let it go that easily, pulling ahead of SNAFU. SNAFU switched things up and dove inside. They made contact and Funny Farm got loose, putting them off the pace. The No. 86 Last Call had an issue and had to pull off. Friday Night Special continued to lead, followed by SNAFU and now the No. 151 Crazy Train as Funny Farm Slowed out of the pack. Friday Night Special swerved through the crossroads, holding off SNAFU by a nose in a six car drag race to the line.

Feature: No. 91 J&H Livestock Friday Night Special


We love our fans and appreciate every single one of our drivers, crews, and employees who help make CNS such a fun place to race! We’ve got a hell of a show lined up next weekend as the SRL Super Late Models and SRL Modifieds head our way, so click here pick up your tickets here for the big event. Can’t wait to see you next time!


Pro Truck - 30 Laps

  1. 9 Curtis Heldenbrand

  2. 16 Travis Roe

  3. 50 Tyler Wiggans

  4. 7 Adam Deines

  5. 86 Tim Coate (R)

  6. 85 Jeff Walbaum

  7. 88 Paul Himler

  8. 33 Tyler Davis

  9. 28 Brian Weinmaster

  10. 6 Kip Sandell

  11. 4 Chris Jordan

  12. 21 Chris Nelson (R)

  13. 88S Brad Skufca

  14. 11 Steve Johnson

  15. 23 Alyssa Salazar (R)

DQ 20 Tanner Faatz (R)

Legends - 25 Laps

  1. 15 Danny Medina

  2. 68 Wyatt Dent (R)

  3. 78C Colton Crocker

  4. 03 Darrell L Stewart

  5. 88F Cade Fox

  6. 00 Chris Saykally

  7. 45 Cole Tuttle

  8. 21X Corey Pearson (R)

  9. 35 Andrew Lee

  10. 14 Jake Nuttall

  11. 62 Erik Bain

  12. 38 Garrett Wilson

  13. 27 Brian Harlow

  14. 33 Dillyn Kellogg

  15. 01 Gary Land

  16. 73 Mike Markison

  17. 21L Madilyn Lange (R)

  18. 19 Dominic Moss

  19. 78 Ashlyn Himler

  20. 17K Marc Karashinski (R)

  21. 17 Jeremy Krueger

  22. 22S Shawn Smith (R)

  23. 1 Ryan Land

  24. 34 Chris Meduna (R)

  25. 95 Jessilyn Dike

  26. 6 Scotty Scott

  27. 4W Stuart Wilkerson

  28. 12 Bryanna Bruce

  29. 9 Terry McBride

Figure 8 - 20 Laps

  1. 3 Michael Wolfe Jr

  2. 38 Javon Barnard (R)

  3. 64 Michael Kephart

  4. 71 Isaac Martinez

  5. 20 Isaiah Proctor (R)

  6. 15 Jereme Wall

  7. 52 Jared Wall

  8. 6C Cody Palmore

  9. 74 Sam Faus

  10. 8 Cassidy Creekmore

  11. 41G Christopher Galvin

  12. 67 Kylan Swenson (R)

Bandolero Outlaw - 10 Laps

  1. 60 Liam Hammond

  2. 12 Aspyn Lange

  3. 61 Lillian Tuttle

  4. 89 Justin Barnard

  5. 5 Reagan Fruge

  6. 08 Tanner McKim

  7. 23 Peyton Opperman

  8. 2 Dutch VanderWal

  9. 6 Ryker Gastineau

Bandolero Bandit - 10 Laps

  1. 14 Austin Steinke

  2. 95J Jaxon Muhler

  3. 07 Madison Stanley

  4. 44 Emersyn Weitzel

  5. 72 Conor Kellogg

  6. 98 Kyleigh Novak

  7. 29 Nora Smith

  8. 96 James Snyder

  9. 77 Scarlett Jones

  10. 24 Ayva Snyder

  11. 84 Kaylie Snyder

  12. 09 Cody Bergren

  13. 42 Lee Malavasic

Trains - 7 Laps

  1. 91 JH Livestock Friday Night Special

  2. 80HD SNAFU

  3. 151 Crazy Train

  4. 69 Neighborhood Complaint

  5. 86 Last Call

  6. 41G J&H Livestock Funny Farm

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