Attention CNS Fam - the 2023 Driver Awards Presentation and BBQ will be held on Saturday, October 21st at the Colorado National Speedway Beer Garden. We will open the doors at 1:00pm, begin serving Famous Dave's BBQ at 1:30, and the awards presentation will kick off at 3:00pm. All registered CNS Drivers are free to attend; Crew and Family are $15 each, and a cash bar will be open.
Witthar's Swap Meet is planned for the same weekend, and more information on that will be announced soon. If you would like to attend, we ask that you RSVP to no later than October 18th so that we can order enough BBQ for everyone.
We want to thank all of the Drivers, Crew, and Family for a great 2023. Without your hard work and dedication, CNS would never be the place that it is.